Provide clear instructions, name, address, telephone numbers and a choice of courier.
Check material for sync. There is a $3.50 per roll charge for material that is out of sync.
Sync Marks: clearly indicate head and tail sync.
Attach approx. 5 feet of leader at head and tail beyond sync marks.
All material should be heads out, base out excluding slug within sound rolls.
There is a $2.00 rewind charge for all rolls handed in tails out.
Roll length: maximum - 1800 feet - rolls usually consist of 2 to 3 - 400 foot camera loads.
Any roll less than 400 feet is done at $16.00 per roll.
Please have material on 3 inch cores only - excessive tension occurs with smaller diameter
cores. The charge to change your reel over from 2 inch cores is $3.00.
MOY Code Choices
Provide clear instructions. Letter prefixes and starting numbers should be indicated on leaders.
MOY Codes available: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th letter - A through K, excluding I
Normal turnaround is 2-3 business
days and is dependent on the size of the job
and the workload at time of drop-off. Call for shipping address.
1) Edge Coding Doesn't Adhere Well to Graphite-Backed Stock (the material that is
black on one side and brown on the other). We suggest Sapphire™ brand.
2) The use of plastic leader is not advisable. Painted or lightstruck is much better.
All prices are in U.S. dollars subject to change without notice; cash or check terms; MasterCard, AMEX & Visa accepted.
7 HIGH ST. P.O. BOX 1835 COTUIT, MA 02635
Tel. (617) 908-6258 E-Mail Fax (508) 428-2036